"Teach everything you know!"

Greetings! In my previous post, I've mentioned that I was listening to a Podcast with Nathan Barry, who is a passionate about creators CEO of Kit. And what Nathan keeps saying is: Teach everything you know. I found it very inspirational to think of. He also claims, that each of us has skills in some area, where people around us don't. What is true in my opinion. However, there is a hidden benefit of teaching what you know: you earn some knowledge self. Because to teach someone something we need to have good understanding of the topic otherwise the entire dialog would be like: ahm..., hmm... and so on. And now imagine, you are explaining something and bam, you've stumbled over something what you thought you knew well. There comes the benefit, you're now willing to find out what was that, how it works in this or that case. Now you want to get more insights, details or information about it. There is another benefit: people start thinking about you as an expert in "this" area. Which is a very nice feeling for me. Acknowledgement is a side effect of it and one of the main drivers in my life. You know why I mean?

This is why, starting with my next post, I will try to "teach" you something. By that I mean that I will include some small useful stuff you could experiment with. But there is one crucial difference to regular teaching. There will be no "You should do this or that" instead I will tell you about my own experience, experiments and their outcomes and you, if you wish, could try to use/adapt it in your daily life. Authenticity is what important for me among all other things. Here you'll find only "I've done it this/that so... and so…". No more, no less.

At the moment, I am keeping my posts short for a reason: I am on a learning path and haven't any articles or books about how to do it better. As you see, there is not much entertainment or less useful information. Right now these are just my thoughts and ideas written down. Plus, I am trying to post something at least twice in a week to keep going on this journey, which was discovered by accident. Right now I am listening music, typing these words and feeling good about. Even more happy I am that I maintain my consistency with it in the last two weeks. My interest is nothing else but long term reward. That is it for today.

Be well

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