Morning routine

A while ago, I've started a "new" morning routine that I've left a while ago. Correct! I've started something what I left off. Another attempt to become discipline person. But first let me describe you how my routine looks like it is simple but not easy:

  1. 6:00 - wake up
  2. 6:10 - 6:30 jogging, shower (cold)
  3. 6:30 - 6:40 meditation
  4. 6:50 ~ 7:00 breakfast for my kids and coffee for my wife
  5. 7:00 - wake up for everyone else.

And you know what? With this one hour I guarantee for all of us, that everybody gets in time to school, kindergarten and work. This one hour guarantees me less stress with travel times. But one thing which drives me to repeat it is, I feel life blooming in me after jogging, cold shower and meditation session. I feel energized. And I am repeating it everyday week day except Sunday. But it is at no way too early to talk about advantages or disadvantages. I will keep tracking of my state and will post about here with more details.

I am not a health or nutrition expert. Furthermore, I even don't know if this all cold shower/jogging thingy with empty stomach is healthy at all. But I am doing it, because I am feeling like it is good for me. And I like it. This is it! If you see something or read about something what you've liked, and wish try it out. Than do it. But you don't have to do it in the same way as someone else does. Do it in your own way, which resonates with your own philosophy and life state/situation. Make sure you enjoy it. You may also vary with the stuff, to make sure it is aligned with you and only you.

This is my morning routine. If you wish, try to create your own.

Be well

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