
I've heard a lot of people talking about gratitude. They claim, we could achieve a far more by only being gratitude. There is also a practice to reinforce us with the feeling of gratitude: Every evening (if we can) we should write down few sentences about what are you grateful for today. This seems to help against bad mood or frustration.

I haven't tried that yet. Well, at least not consistently. Done it once or twice. But as we all know, rewards of such things are mostly delayed until some time in the future. However, I see more and more often that gratitude for what you have and who you are at the moment could help you move forward. This looks at least as a shadow of truth because if we think about it, if you have a device in your hand to read this post than you are most probably ok. It true, we all have something to struggle with, some of way more than others, some of us much less. But let's not get way too extreme with this idea. Let us just be grateful for what we have. When it comes to me and when I think about it, I could say: actually, I have almost everything what I need. Maybe a bit more financial freedom would be nice, in my case, but one way or another I have enough money to purchase food, clothes, pay rent and devices. The last one isn't really necessary, though, in my opinion. Overrated. But they make our/my life a bit more entertaining and easier, of course.

What I am trying to say is that: I am grateful for being where I am, who I am and for what I have. There are people who have much, much less than me. This is what Mo Gawdat says, "Look down, not up." I know, this entire topic is very specific, and we could discuss it for eternity. Happiness is one of the most controversial topics. But my message here is: let us all be just a little bit more grateful for what we have and move and strive for more starting from here and now. Smarter people than me have already written about it: All what you're looking is already within yourself. I believe, that this is true!

Be well

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