
An empty Goal with a grey motive with blurry fore and gackground
Photo by Shapelined / Unsplash

If you're already one of my readers, you've probably seen that I am posting every week. The reason behind could be very trivial for many of us: I am building a personal brand. This is my Goal! However, there is another reason behind it. I think I am enjoying writing. It was a long time with me in my backpack, but only few weeks ago I've unpacked this luggage.

How I came across this idea to publish something online? There are two people I have to thank for that. Ali Abdaal and Nathan Barry. Ali has nice videos about how to grow and develop a YouTube channel, and Nathan guides with building audience. I've consumed the content of both for about two months or more and finally find courage to take first steps. Right now I am blogging just for my self. And this is the reason number three: By writing my thoughts down, I can bring some order to chaos in my head. In this post I will tell you everything what I've done till now and which steps I took in the last few months.

Few months ago I've started diving into the world of online creators. By that I mean, I've started watching some YouTube channels, listening to some podcasts and purchased few books, that were suggested in the stuff above. It was a completely new world for me. And I guess I was triggered by that. Just like many of us, when we see something that someone else has, we want that too. It true for me more than for my kids. I've tried several times to create a super calendar just like Ali's one. Didn't work. Because of me, of course. Tried something from what Nathan says, and same unsuccessful pattern. And here is the point. They give us something like a blueprint, a scheme for actions, if you want. But this is our exercise to adapt it to our current life situation and our life philosophy. Not just copy/paste. But adapt and create something own out of it. Try and fail. But try again. Try different approach. E.g. it will take sometime. And take it easy! We eventually will get there.

After about four months of doing nothing, I finally start taking some actions. I've adapted a few strategies in my daily flow (like two/five minutes rule) and started learning to be consistent. I am reading book every day, make physical exercises for at least ten minutes every day, spending time with my kinds by trying to be fully presented with them, I am posting stuff every week, I've bought a domain and launched this blog, created Twitter (x.com) and LinkedIn accounts and so on. Do I have any results? Except that I am on my way in learning self-discipline and trying to be consistent, not really. But I right now I don't care about it because everything I am doing, feels good. It feels good, and I am not waiting anything in exchange. Next step would be a YouTube channel, and this seems to really difficult. It sounds like too much stuff, but in fact I am just doing something for a short period of time every day without trying to manage a YouTube channel, a blog post, Newsletters. No! Not at all. For now, just blogging. I've struggled by doing too many things. But in this case, fewer is more.

Thanks for sticking around
Be well


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