2 Minutes Rule

2 Minutes Rule
Photo by Mark Wilkinson Hughes / Unsplash

Most probably you've already came across this rule, which simply says: if there is something you can get done within 2 minutes, do it now!

As simply as it sounds, it is not easy at all to implement. At least at the beginning. I've tried it out, of course, and I was amazed from the results. I've often struggled with a bunch of stuff in my to-do lists. Furthermore, I've procrastinated with all possible excuses, like: It could be done by tomorrow, I will do it afternoon and only get done with it, when it almost comes to explosion of the duties. This is a problem for me, or it was. Since I am trying to follow this 2 minute rule, it makes my day much relaxer. I do not need to think about "what was that thing I wanted to get done?". My brain does not toss it there and back, so I do not forget it. As soon something pops in my head and I can handle it within or under two minutes, I am doing it right away. Just like Daniel Levitin mentions in his book, The Organized Mind, many successful people follow this rule. It makes a lot of things easier. In the same book there is a chapter, where it says: "when there is a deadline for a big project, we tend to put everything aside. Which means a lot of small tasks will go undone. This will create a loop in your head, with your consciousness to remind you about them. It leads then to more energy used for not to do them, rather than they get done one by one". But we mostly have more than just one small thing to do. What should we do then? There is an answer for that: set up a time block (about 30 minutes) to deal with these all 2-minutes tasks. It works for me really well. However, I am still handing on my procrastination habits a bit, but good news, that they are diminishing as more I am keeping follow this rule. If there is a single message I would like you to take from this post, then it will be: don't let small tasks to accumulate! Deal with them immediately, and you will be surprised by how much time and mental energy you will have out of it.

Of course, there is no claim, that this one rule will make you a super man. It is not about it. It is more about, that this is something which is not hard to do, but something what really helps. If you'll be honest with yourself and try to follow it, you will see results. A good amount of us looking for improvements in our daily lives and the same good amount of us trying to do to much things. This rule is helping to get done with our personal stuff and it is simple. Give it a try.

Be well

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